Jason Toy is CPO/CTO at Cloudapp.
He has the startup bug and has built multiple companies in the areas of marketing, developer tools, and productivity software.
His passion is researching artificial intelligence: What is intelligence? What is the fundamental cognitive algorithm of the human mind? Can this algorithm be extracted into a computer?
He is very inetesred to help people as I have needed a lot of help along my journey and I want to pay it back. I am into productivity, AI, consciousness, learning, technology and personal development.
November 21st, 2023
November 20th, 2023
Can’t make it? Check out other cohort dates to pick the time that works for you.
This is a golden opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded individuals, all driven towards optimizing their personal and professional lives.
Understand the core principles of Managing Happiness, and discover how you can apply tried-and-tested business strategies to your personal life.
Engage with powerful tools like the Wheel of Life, and identify areas in your life that you’re eager to enhance.
Dive deep into the transformative power of habits. Learn how the right habits can reshape your life, propelling you to consistently be on your A-game.
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